Disinfecting the ball is a consideration: CA’s Sports Science manager

Melbourne, May 20 (IANS) As part of their plans to minimise health hazards as much as possible for the return of play amid the COVID-19 crisis, Cricket Australia (CA) will explore the benefits of disinfecting the match ball during games.As per a cricket.com.au report, CA’s Sports Science & Sports Medicine Manager Alex Kountouris has said he’s “quietly confident” matches will resume as planned if the spread of coronavirus is in check in the country. Matches will be held behind closed doors.The International Cricket Council (ICC) Cricket Committee has proposed banning the usage of saliva in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.”Disinfecting the ball is a consideration,” Kountouris was quoted as saying by cricket.com.au. “We don’t know the impact on the ball (yet) because we haven’t tested it. We’d obviously have to test it, we’d have to speak to the ICC and get permission, there’s a lot of things (to consider). And whether it’s effective or not. The ball being leather, it’s harder to disinfect because it’s got little nooks and crevices.”So we don’t know how effective it’s going to be, we don’t know how infected the ball is going to get and we don’t know if it’s going to be allowed.”But it’s absolutely a consideration. Everything is on the table at the moment, everything is being considered.”Kountouris added that since countries like England are likely to resume with cricket earlier than Australia, they will have the luxury to see how it goes.”From an Australian cricket perspective, other countries are probably going to play before us,” he said.”We’ve got a chance to work with the ICC and other countries to see what they come up with and how it works for them. We’ll obviously take whatever steps we need to do to make sure we lower the risk.”–IANSdm/bbh

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