Diamond League announces updates to 2020 calendar

Paris, June 27 (IANS) The Diamond League has announced further alterations to its provisional 2020 calendar, with the cancellation of two meetings and a further event pushed back until the autumn.The Meeting de Paris, provisionally scheduled for September 6, has been cancelled, as organisers concluded that there is insufficient time to stage a world-class international event considering the French government’s restrictions on the organisation of major events.The 2020 Prefontaine Classic, slated for October 4, in Eugene, US, has also been cancelled since a ban on large gatherings and the expected long-term restrictions on international travel would make it impossible to organise the meeting.In Britain, the Muller Grand Prix in Gateshead will not take place as scheduled on August 16. Local organisers have earmarked September 12 as a possible alternative date, but are unable to confirm this at the current time.According to World Athletics, the 2020 Diamond League calendar remains provisional and subject to further changes.The organisers also said that the 2020 Diamond League will not be a structured series of events leading to a final as is usually the case. Athletes will therefore not earn Diamond League points this season, and there will not be a single, 24-discipline final in Zurich as originally planned.–IANSaak/bbh/

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