Dalai Lama greets European Commission President

Dharamsala, July 19 (IANS) Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama on Friday congratulated Ursula Von der Leyen on her election as the next President of the European Commission.
In a congratulatory letter, the spiritual leader conveyed his great admiration for the spirit of European Union that promotes the collective interest of people and nations in the spirit of genuine cooperation.
“I take this opportunity to convey to you my great admiration for the spirit of the European Union that has preserved peace among its members and in the region for more than 60 years,” the Dalai Lama wrote.
“As envisioned by its founders, in the spirit of reconciliation and cooperation that followed World War II, the European Union has put the common good ahead of the local interests of individual countries. This demonstrates wisdom and maturity in a world that has increasingly become interdependent. I have a dream that similar unions in Africa, Latin America and Asia would fortify global peace.”
He also congratulated Ursula Von der Leyen on being the first woman to serve as European Commission President.
“It is my firm conviction that if more of our leaders were women, the world would be a more understanding and peaceful place,” the Dalai Lama added.
On Tuesday, senior German politician Leyen became the first female politician to lead the European Union’s executive arm.

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