COVID-19 : High-Alert! If Any of These 5 Symptoms are Seen, Get CORONA TEST Done Immediately

New Delhi : Coronavirus has caused panic all over the world. Thousands of deaths are occurring every day due to this epidemic. Now its direct impact is visible on India. Currently, there are 1657 corona positive patients in the country. While 50 people have died so far. In view of the increasing danger of corona, the government has started several new labs to examine far. In view of the increasing danger of corona, the government has started several new labs to examine patients.

Five symptoms of Corona –
Abdominal Pain and Diarrhea – Abdominal pain is usually caused by norovirus. Norovirus causes vomiting in patients, but some patients with coronavirus have also experienced abdominal pain just before being infected with corona. According to a report, when infected with the corona, there can be diarrhea in addition to abdominal pain. Of the 204 patients infected with the corona virus in Hubei, China, 48.5% have had indigestion problems such as diarrhea, vomiting or stomach pain.

Eye Infection and Difficulty in Smelling – Experts say that smelling and losing the ability to taste can also be the initial symptoms of the infectious disease Covid-19 i.e. Coronavirus. According to US medical experts, currently there have been reports of smelling and taste loss in patients related to Covid-19 from the US as well as many countries around the world. In many cases eye burn and redness have also been seen. You may also have itching in your eyes when infected.

Fatigue and Body Aches – Staying indoors for lockdown may make you feel lethargic, but if there is a sudden heavy weakness, you should be alert, because the symptoms of corona include it. According to doctors, if you suddenly feel fatigued and find it difficult to do every day tasks, it is possible that you have become infected with the coronavirus.

Fever and Cold – If you have runny nose and the throat becomes dry and high fever is also there, then you need to be alert. Experts advise that if you have a runny nose, cold and fever, then you should definitely keep distance from people. You are advised to remain alert even if you are having headache due to cold, and you should get a test done if you have more problems.

Head Heaviness – 
This type of problem is also called brain fog. If you are experiencing head heaviness or mental fatigue, this is another symptom of the coronavirus, although it is not officially considered a symptom of corona. But this is definitely a sign. Because those who are struggling with corona have experienced it.

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