Covid-19 cured cases exceed new infections in TN on Wednesday

Chennai, Aug 19 (IANS) Tamil Nadu on Wednesday reported the discharge of 6,384 Covid-19 recovered patients from various hospitals while 5,795 persons tested positive for coronavirus.In a statement issued here, the state Health Department said 6,384 persons were cured of Covid-19 and were discharged from hospitals, taking the tally to 296,171.The total number of coronavirus infected patients went up by 5,795 to 355,449 in the state.The number of active Covid-19 cases in the state after taking into account the cured and dead stands at 53,155.The state recorded the death of 116 Covid-19 patients taking the toll till date to 6,123.The number of infected children in the state in the age group 0-12 went up to 17,026.The state capital Chennai continued to head the Covid-19 infection table with 1,186 persons testing positive for the virus and the total tally stands at 120,267.–IANSvj/rt/bg

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