Congress retains Kanniyakumari Lok Sabha seat in bypoll

Chennai, May 3 (IANS) The Congress party retained the Kanniyakumari Lok Sabha seat in the bypoll with its candidate V. Vijayakumar trouncing former Union Minister and BJP’s Pon Radhakrishnan.Vijayakumar polled about 5.76 lakh votes as against Radhakrishnan who got about 4.38 lakh votes.The bypoll was necessitated owing to the death of H. Vasanth Kumar due to Covid-19 last August and the election was held on April 6.The third spot was garnered by movie director Seeman floated Naam Tamilar Katchi (NTK) candidate R. Anetter Allwyn who had polled 58,593 votes or about five per cent of the votes cast.With this victory the DMK-led alliance continues to have 38 members in the Lok Sabha out of 39 in Tamil Nadu.–IANSvj/skp/

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