BJP launches civic polls campaign slogan in Gujarat

Gandhinagar, Feb 8 (IANS) The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Gujarat unit on Monday launched its slogan, anthem as well as logo for the upcoming elections slated later in February for municipal corporations, municipalities, the district and tehsil panchayats in Gujarat.After more than a month of the Congress coming out with its slogan and logo for the civic polls, the BJP Gujarat unit launched its slogan, anthem and logo.The slogan launched by the BJP, says ‘Gujarat Che Makkam, BJP Saathe Adhikham’ meaning ‘A determined Gujarat, standing firm with the BJP.’The saffron party also released a song or the anthem featuring this slogan. Besides, this the party launched 40 short films, 20 ad films, 19 GIF and 22 different hoardings for the election campaign in the rural as well as urban areas of the state.These would be used strategically in the election campaigns for the six municipal corporations, municipalities, district and tehsil panchayats.”The Congress has opposed BJP’s decision on many issues, but the latter has stood firm on its decisions such as building the tallest statue in the world, the Statue of Unity (SoU), Narmada scheme, Ram Mandir, among others. All these decisions have benefited the people of the country. We will be showcasing all these decisions before the public in the upcoming election campaigns through these slogans, anthems and hoardings,” Gujarat BJP Chief C.R. Patil told the media.For the election campaign, Patil said that there won’t be any star campaigners coming from the BJP’s central high command. “At the most, one leader from the central leadership might be coming for campaigning in Gujarat,” Patil said on Monday.–IANSamc/khz/bg

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