Be Careful if You too Use Sex Toys Or Else…

Mumbai : Nowadays many people use sex toys. Sex toys can make your sex life better, more exciting, and often more orgasmic regardless of your relationship status, gender, or orientation. Many of these options can be used either alone or with a partner and can involve bodily fluid exchange, which means they should be cleaned frequently and thoroughly. As experts explained to us, dirty sex toys can lead to STI transmission, and even if you only use them on yourself can also lead to yeast infections, UTIs, and bacterial vaginosis.

Also, pay attention to toy material, like rubber and PVC. Toys made from them are the most economical but have to be disinfected every time because bacteria can grow in their holes. Silicone and glass toys are safer than these. The use of toys increases sexual activity, but infection can also occur during sharing and reuse.

Different types of sex toys have been found to be harmful to reproductive health and can also lead to cancer risk. Therefore, before purchasing your sex toy, make sure the amount of fatlats on the packaging.

How to Clean Sex Toys?
– Submerge the toy in boiling water
– Wash with fragrance-free soap and water or a toy cleaner
– Sanitize using a specially-crafted, high-tech system

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