B’deshi worker tested positive for NCoV in Singapore

Dhaka, Feb 10 (IANS) A Bangladeshi migrant worker is among the 43 coronavirus cases confirmed in Singapore, it was reported on Monday.The 39-year-old Bangladeshi was admitted in an isolation room at the National Centre for Infectious Diseases, bdnews24 reported citing the Singapore Ministry of Health as saying.He started showing symptoms on February 1, and went to a general practitioner clinic two days later, and then to the Changi General Hospital on February 5, according to The Straits Times.He was admitted to the intensive care unit at Changi Hospital on February 7, the newspaper said, adding that he was confirmed to have the disease on Saturday afternoon.He is the first Bangladeshi to have been diagnosed with the disease that has killed more than 900 people in China surpassing the deaths in the 2002-03 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome or SARS.Bangladesh has brought back 312 of its nationals from Wuhan, the epicentre of the outbreak, said the bdnews24 report.The government has also scrapped its plans to evacuate 172 others from the locked down Chinese cities due to the authorities’ failure to arrange any flight.But none of the Bangladeshis in or from China have tested positive.–IANSksk/

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