Teacher who molested 7th standard girl beaten by angry villagers

Amravati: NP News 24 online – A teacher from Zilla Parishad has been thrashed by the villagers as he molested a girl from the school, who studies in 7th standard. The victim girl told about the molestation to her mother and then the angry villagers thrashed him. Police somehow managed to save his life from the villagers and arrested him.

The incident took place in Dryapur district’s Vadenar Gangai.

The name of the cruel teacher who molested 7th standard girl is Sanjay Pawar, He is 50 years of age. In the school where the incident happened, there was a campaign for Rubel Vaccination was going on. At this time the victim who is just 12 years old was given the vaccination. After giving the vaccination the teacher pulled her closed and started molesting her. The girl got scared and ran away from there.

When she reached home she was crying and the girl told everything to her mother. The villagers, as well as the family members, got really angry on the teacher and they started marching towards the school. There they found the teacher and without letting him speak they started beating him.

As soon as the police got the information the police official Nitin Chrde reached the spot with other police officers. They somehow managed to safely rescue Sanjay from the furious crowd and registered a complaint against him. They even got to know from the records that in past as well he has done the same thing.

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