Street hawker sells ‘Chetan Bhagat’ to Chetan Bhagat

NPnews24 Online: Interesting video shared glimpses of Chetan Bhagat goes viral on social media, Chetan who was travelling in his car and he stopped at a traffic signal as a young boy, who was selling books on the street, approached him.

Chetan interacted with the book seller, and asked him whether he sold books by Chetan Bhagat. The boy unaware of the fact the man inside the car is actually Chetan Bhagat, picked out a book by the author and showed it to him. “Book seller told chetan new book has released, while handing out a copy to him.


Chetan Bhagat asked to boy, whether author writes well, Boy replied, “many people buy his books.” When author enquired whether the book was an original copy and the boy said, “It’s an online copy.

After revealing his identity the boy flashed a big smile at him. Chetan also bought the book from the boy. Chetan Bhagat wrote books of Five Point Someone, The 3 Mistakes of My Life, Revolution 2020 and half Girlfriend.

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