Say no to hate: Muslim man attacked for reading ‘Gita’

NPnews24 Online, Aligarh: Muslim man who has been reading “Ram Charitra Manas” and “Gita” since 1979 and was beaten up by Muslim youths in Uttar Pradesh.

Dilsher, 55, was reading the scriptures in his house when two youths, Zakir and Samir entered house and beat him. They have broken their harmonium, took away the scriptures and warned him not to read Hindu books or else they will face dire consequences.

Dilsher, who works as a security guard, said: “I returned from duty and after taking bath, I was preparing to read ‘Ram Charitra Manas’ when these youth came and attacked me.”

He also added, “Reading the scriptures gives me mental peace. However, I face protests from my own community from time to time.

Dilsher lodged a complaint at the Delhi Gate Police station and a case has been registered against the youths after the intervention of the senior officers.

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