Pune News | Dengue Epidemic on the Horizon: Pune Faces Monsoon Challenge

Pune : Pune News | Epidemics are on the rise in the city as the monsoon season takes hold. One particular concern is the alarming increase in dengue cases. Over the course of this month alone, 66 suspected dengue patients have been identified, with 12 cases officially diagnosed. In addition, a patient suffering from chikungunya has been reported.

Data from the municipal records reveals that from January to June this year, there were 472 suspected dengue cases within the city limits. Out of these, 21 cases were confirmed to be dengue, all occurring between January and March. Surprisingly, no diagnosed dengue cases were reported from April to June. However, July has witnessed a sudden surge in the number of patients. As of Wednesday the 12th, 66 suspected dengue cases have been detected this month, with 12 cases confirmed.


Anticipating a potential spike in the number of dengue patients in the coming days, the Municipal Corporation has taken proactive measures to combat the epidemic during the monsoon season. Daily surveys of mosquito breeding sites are being conducted at all field offices, with particular attention to areas prone to stagnant water. In addition, the Corporation is spraying insecticides to control the mosquito population.


Dr. Suryakant Devkar, the Assistant Health Officer of the Pune Municipal Corporation, emphasized the significance of these measures. Through these efforts, the Corporation aims to reduce the breeding grounds of disease-carrying mosquitoes and curb the spread of dengue and other vector-borne diseases.


It is crucial for residents to remain vigilant during this period, taking personal preventive measures such as using mosquito nets, wearing protective clothing, and applying mosquito repellent.


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