Pune | Candidates arriving late for CTET gatecrash the exam centre at Ramtekdi, cause chaos

Pune : NpNews24 Online The candidates who arrived late at the Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET) barged into the exam centre at Ramtekdi on Sunday causing chaos.


According to the police, the CTET exam centre is located at Ramtekdi. Candidates were asked to enter the exam centre between 7.30 am and 9.15 am. It is clearly mentioned in the hall ticket. Hence, the main gate was closed at 9.15 am.


Around 40 candidates arrived late at the centre. They requested the security staff to open the gate. However, they refused to do so. This led to a heated exchange between the candidates and the security staff.


Some candidates barged into the centre. This led to chaos at the exam centre. When informed, the Wanawadi police arrived at the centre. However, the exam organisers told the police that a complaint would not be filed to avoid loss of the candidates. Around 40 students who came late could not write the exam.


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