Meet The Greatest Devotees of Lord Shri Ram – ‘THE RAMNAMI SAMAJ’

Ramnami Samaj Sets a Unique, Amazing & Unimaginable Example of Devotion to Lord Shri Ram

Mumbai : The Ramnami Samaj of Chhattisgarh is a Dalit religious group whose followers tattoo their bodies with the name of Ram. The Ramnami Samaj movement started in the 1890s in the villages of Chhattisgarh where Dalits were not allowed entry into Hindu temples. In peaceful protest, the Ramnamis wrapped themselves in the name of Nirgun (unmanifest) Ram from head to toe to demonstrate that God is omnipresent and accessible to everyone. It’s more an act of defiance and pure devotion than anything else actually.

Unlike many of the tribal tattoos we find in Asia, the Ramnami do not discern the gender of the person being tattooed. A man or woman may tattoo as much or as little as they like. Many describe an overwhelming feeling of devotion that compelled them to have their tattoos and continue to cover their bodies in the name of their god. The design is also not fixed, so one is able to choose where, when, and in what pattern the tattoo should be completed.

Tattooing begins at an early age among the Ramnamis, every child must have it at least once before turning two. Those with full-body tattoos are known as “Purnanakshik” and are mostly in their seventies. The designs of the tattoos, known as ‘Godna’ in the local language.

Every family must own a copy of the Hindu epic, Ramayana, and chant Ram’s name every day. They also made recitals of Ramcharitmanas a part of their daily lives. They are not supposed to drink or smoke, and must chant the name “Ram” daily. They also wear a shawl with the word “Ram” printed on it and headgear made of ‘Peacock’ feathers.

They are also taught to treat everyone with equality and respect. Most Ramnamis also have ‘Ram Ram’ written in black on both sides of the walls in their homes. They are known to promote a simple lifestyle, opposing orthodox customs and rituals. Ramnamis are a perfect example of how education truly depends on what we practice at home, rather than what educational books teach

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