Internet is in love with this new superhero

NPnews24 Online: There are very few cops who get applause for doing remarkable work, but this one is really big round of applause. A Police constable has received same round of big applause when he covered an open manhole to prevent mishaps on a street in Bengaluru.

Picture of Girish M covering the manhole with a big stone were shared on twitter by the official twitter account of HSR Layout Police Station.

Girish M was patrolling the 18th cross, HSR 3rd sector in his police vehicle and spotted a woman as well as a child walk past the open manhole. Instead of waiting for the civic officials to observe their duty, Girish used a stone to cover it himself.

Tweet posted on July 7 has been retweeted several times and garnered over 400 likes, He has been garnering a whole lot of praise online and netizen praised his deed, saying, “Good to know….There are still a few good men.”



Another user wrote for Girish M: “Do convey our deep appreciation for the commitment to society beyond the scope of his duties. May his tribe grow?”

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