Give water to Pune or else resign from MLA : Former MLA Mohan Joshi

PUNE : NP NEWS 24 ONLINE-  The demand of providing of water to Pune city, should be made in this ongoing winter season. BJP’s eight MLAs should fight for Pune city to giving its right, otherwise they should give their resignations, such kind of demand made by Congress’ senior leader and former MLA Mohan Joshi.

The misunderstandings are spreading about the misuse of water in Pune and it is kind of injustice with Punekars over in case of water supply.  Especially from the last two-three years, the Punkars are  facing this issue due the in-activeness of BJP leaders.

This year, four dams in Pune dams was  filled with sufficient water.  These dam’s has water storage 26 TMC. There was no need to do the water cut in October of this year at the time of Diwali. But due to lack of planning this cutting of  water supply was done.  People faced many problems in Diwali, due to lack of water.

During this time, BJP MPs hinted for fasting. There was internal dispute in BJP over this issue.  The BJP MLAs indirectly blamed the chairman of the Kalvaavatap Committee, Guardian Minister Girish Bapat. But after the agitation of the Congress, and other organizations, the water cut was withdrawn.

Actually, BJP MLAs in Pune should opposed for cutting down of 200 MLD water. On the contrary, they didn’t.

The BJP MLAs demanded 1600 MLD of water in the Legislative Assembly. This is a stunt for misleading Punekars, as they remembered this shortage of water just before the elections. Punekars want a strong decision over the demands.


Punkers, once having enough water, now they have to fight for the water because of this BJP government, claimed by Joshi.

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