Corona Lockdown : These Foods Can Deteriorate Your Health

After the lockdown ordered to control Coronavirus epidemic, people across the country are doing work from home. Due to zero physical activity and eating harmful things in the diet can put you in trouble.

During the work from home, people who work for hours continuously sitting in the chair should take special care of their. By keeping some things away from the diet, you can keep yourself healthy.

Sugar Drink-
During this time, avoid sugar drinks. Such things increase the amount of insulin in the body which can later cause diseases like non-alcoholic fatty liver disease or type-2 diabetes.

Juice –
Most people start their day with juice. Do you know that in many fruit juices, you get as much sugar as cold drinks in the market, which is very dangerous for your health.

White Bread –
Many people like to eat white bread for breakfast. White bread contains less amount of fiber and nutrition, which increases blood sugar. At least till work from home, do not consume white bread at all.

Fried or Grill Food –
Fried or grill food can create high calories in the body. Burning these calories without workout or exercise is very difficult. Second, such food items cooked at high temperatures can also cause cancer or heart disease.

French Fries or Chips-
While working, you may like to eat things like french fries or chips, but they will also harm your body. French fries or chips also contain a lot of calories. Such things can also increase your weight due to zero physical activity.

Red Meat-
Red meat and eggs have the highest protein. You can also get sick by consuming protein without exhausting the body. You can eat fish instead of red meat. Although fish also contains protein but health is not disturbed due to its consumption.

Off Season Fruit-
Don’t eat off season fruits when you are not doing regular workout.

Alcohol –
Many people consume alcohol to relieve stress throughout the day. Do you know that alcohol dehydrates the body, which can be very dangerous for you.

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