Careful! Corona Infection can be Spread by Patient 3 Days Before Any Symptoms are Seen

New Delhi : New information is coming out every day about the coronavirus. Meanwhile, another big information has been revealed. A research has claimed that coronavirus patients can infect many people  two or three days before symptoms of the disease show. Scientists and doctors are shocked as soon as this claim comes to the fore.

According to one news, taking control measures after showing symptoms can prevent the disease from spreading to a large extent. However, there are several factors that can affect these measures. According to researchers at the University of Hong Kong, the study found that if the period between exposure to the infection and the symptoms is short, then the infection can spread even before the symptoms appear.

The research was carried out on the assessment of 94 patients admitted to Guangzhou Hospital in China. These patients showed signs of coronavirus two to three days after taking a throat swab.

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