BIG BREAKING : Former Union Home Secretary Ram Pradhan Passes Away

Pune: Ram Pradhan former union home secretary and Governor of Arunachal Pradesh during the Rajiv Gandhi government died on Friday. Ram D. Pradhan born on 1928 was a retired Indian Administrative Service officer. who also served as Union Home Secretary and Governor of Arunachal Pradesh during the Rajiv Gandhi government.

Administrative career:

Pradhan played a major role in the signing of the Assam Accord and the Mizo Accord. He has held Secretary-level positions at the international and national levels in the areas of commerce, defence and home. He was in service of the government of India for 36 years.

Pradhan was an IAS officer of the Maharashtra cadre. He joined as a Bombay State officer. For the next five years he worked in Gujarat. Later, he was an Indian representative diplomat in international trade and commerce in Geneva for ten years. In December 2008 he was appointed to lead a two-man panel to investigate the 2008 Mumbai attacks.

Governor Position:

R.D. Pradhan was appointed the second Governor of Arunachal Pradesh in March 1987, after Arunachal was granted statehood in November 1986. The state was having border problems with China at the time, and Pradhan’s achievements in reaching the accords of northeast states of Assam and Mizoram and his previous experience in the Defence Ministry were the factors Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi considered before offering him the position.

When V.P. Singh came to power in January 1990, he demanded the resignation of Governors of all states. Pradhan was the first governor to hand over the resignation.

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