Baby Boy Born Holding Contraceptive IUD Mom Used to Prevent Pregnancy

Taipei : Sometimes there are some such cases which are difficult to believe. A similar case has also surfaced in Taiwan. A child is born here, who had the same anti-pregnancy contraceptive (IUD) in his hand, which his mother used to not get pregnant. In India, it is known as Copper-T and women use it to avoid pregnancy for a few years. The picture of this child is becoming quite viral on social media.

The photo shows a baby boy clutching what reports claim is his mum’s copper coil after his birth at Hai Phong International Hospital, in the city of Hai Phong in northern Vietnam.

The newborn boy’s 34-year-old mother, who has two other children, had the contraceptive coil inserted two years ago.

Contrary to what you might have seen spread on social media, the baby doesn’t appear to have yanked the coil out – instead the IUD came out at the same time as the baby, who then held the coil as the obstetrician took photos.

Doctor Tran Viet Phuong said that the IUD may have failed to prevent pregnancy if it had shifted from its original position, adding: ‘After delivery, I thought him holding the device was interesting, so I took a picture. I never thought it would receive so much attention.’

Thankfully despite being unplanned, the baby arrived healthy, weighing 7lbs. He remains under observation with his mum.

This child was born last week in Haifong city, Taiwan. Doctors told that when this child was born, it was in his hand and he was holding it tightly. According to the hospital, the doctors were surprised to see this and when they asked the woman about this, she confessed that she had installed it to avoid pregnancy.

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