Ahmedabad: Working population turns up in large number as volunteers for COVID19 clinical trials

Ahmedabad: People are eagerly waiting for COVID19 vaccine after fighting against this deadly virus for almost a year. All vaccines of coronavirus are still in trial phase. Clinical trial of Bharat Biotech vaccine is also underway at Sola Civil Hospital in Ahmedabad. The number of volunteers coming for vaccination is increasing now. About 30 volunteers are being vaccinated daily. According to statistics, about 80 volunteers have been vaccinated so far.

Parul Bhatt, Head and Professor, Department of Medicine, said that with the increase in the number of volunteers, the time and days of trial of the vaccine in Sola Civil have also been extended. The vaccine will be given from Monday to Sunday from 10 am to 6 pm. This decision has been taken especially because a huge number of volunteers are working professionals. Previously timing was from 10am to 1pm, Monday to Friday which has now changed. Volunteers receiving the corona vaccine shots have not yet seen any side effects.

Volunteers are now inquiring in huge numbers for a trial of the corona vaccine in the city. There are about 50 phone calls a day to ask for a vaccine and to become volunteers.

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