31-year-old actress is a stunning beauty

Npnews24 online: Sonalee Kulkarni starred opposite Atul Kulkarni in Ravi Jadhav’s 2010 directional Natarang, was based on Dr. Anand Yadav’s novel of the same name. Film wnet to success and star Sonalee won several awards.She garnered fame for her lavani dance track, Apsara Aali in the film. Sonalee, who essayed film, went on to become a critical and commercial success.

Sonalee Kulkarni, popular for her role as a dancer in the critical and commercially successful Marathi film Natarang celebrates her birthday today. Sonalee was born on May 18, 1988, in the army cantonment of Khadki, near Pune.

Her father MAnohar Kulkarni is a retired Army doctor with 30 year of career at the Army Medical Center and mother Savinder, is a Punjabi descent,was employed for COD at Dehu Road, Pune.


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