PMC | Regularisation of gunthewari constructions begins on January 10 in Pune

Pune : NpNews24 Online – The Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) will start the process of regularisation of constructions made under the gunthewari system from January 10 (Monday).


Citizens will have to apply online through their architects or engineers. The last date for the application is March 31, 2022.


The state government has decided to regularise constructions, open plots done before December 31, 2020 under the Gunthewari Developments (Regularisation, upgradation and Control) Act, 2001. Action was taken against such constructions. However, it was suspended after a government order was issued.


Meanwhile, the regularisation of gunthewari constructions was started in other cities in the State. However, it did not begin in Pune. Agents were taking advantage of this and extorting citizens. Therefore, there was a demand by citizens and in the general assembly of the PMC to start the process immediately.


It was decided in a meeting last week that the regularisation process would begin from Monday (January 10).


Apply online on this website

Go to this link and apply online>building department department->


Documents required while submitting the application

– 7/12 extract not older than six months

– If 7/12 extract is not available, Index II, sale deed, agreement for sale, and a letter of guarantee in the prescribed format

– If the above-mentioned documents are not available, then power of attorney, receipt of property tax payment, electricity bill, ration card, etc

– A certificate of the tax recovery department stating that the construction was done before 31/12/2020, electricity bill

– Structural audit report from an authorised engineer

– Google map Locations before 31/12/2020 and while submitting the application


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