‘Meet’ world’s first consensual sex doll which might say ‘no’ if it wishes

NP NEWS 24 ONLINE- The invention of this brothel has proved the importance of a girl’s consent to sex. Not only consent in human beings but the robots equally have the right to give their consent on having sex with someone.

With this thought, US claims to have come up with the world’s first sex doll brothel which ensures that even sex with the help of sex dolls is consensual.

Eve’s Robot Dreams are calling them the first one to be able to do so. According to them, the speciality of these dolls, unlike others, is that the customers can flirt with them, spend some quality time before they actually having sex.

The main purpose behind the consensual robot sex dolls is to provide the robots with the respect they deserve.

While the founder, Unicole Unicron has said that it still needs time for these dolls to configure emotions inside them after which, a customer might be allowed to have some time alone with the sex doll inside the room before which there is a café inside the brothel in which they can have a good conversation. Later, if the doll wishes she can say no to sex.

The place of the brothel is yet to set up for which the crowdfunding which has already begun.

Unicole, the founder, who is a cult leader said, “They wanted to build a world where robots are treated with the respect they deserve, thus not contributing to a potential robot rebellion in future”.

According to him, building a good rapport, knowing the sex doll before building any sexual relation with it was important which will now be made possible. He informed the dolls are fitted with artificial intelligence.

But, unfortunately, it is lacking the response it should have got from people. It started with a good idea but is failing to impress customers. The creators wished to raise $155,000 for the project, and after the crowdfunding process which is still on, the brothel shall be opened to the public.

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