Jitendra Jagtap suicide case – Builder Karnataki gets pre-arrest bail


The Bombay High Court has granted anticipatory bail builder Sudhir Karnataki in abetment of suicide case of Jitendra Jagtap, brother of policeman Shailesh Jagtap. Few days back, the Supreme Court had rejected anticipatory bail application of Deepak Mankar, Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) corporator and former deputy mayor.

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Jagtap’s son Jayesh Jagtap (28) filed an FIR after he found a suicide note at his father’s office located on the piece of land under dispute. Five people have been arrested in the case for threatening the deceased to give up the land on the day he was found dead.

A case under Sections306 (abetment to suicide), 506 (criminal intimidation) and 34 (common intention) of Indian Penal Code (IPC) was registered at Government railway police (GRP) station (Pune station). The case was later transferred to Samarth police station.

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