Give reservation on the basis of Financial status and not on caste: Raj Thackeray

The ongoing Maratha Kranti  Morcha stressing on Maratha Reservation which has trigger the spark of violence across Maharashtra, Maharashtra Navnirman Sena’s chief Raj Thackeray was in Pune city pour an oil by stating reservation should be given on bases of Financial Status and not on the bases of caste.

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Raj was in city Ganesh Kala Krida Manch at Swargate to address the p arty workers on the occasion of Guru Purnima on Friday. Raj curse the former prime minister VP Singh for present reservation row. Raj said, “It was Singh who created a divide between castes on the basis of reservation. If one caste gets reservation, another comes forward with the demand of the same. Reservation should not be given on the basis of caste. It should be given only on the basis of economic condition. Reservation is making social imbalance.”
Calling on Maratha protesters to ensure that the larger Marathi community was not split on grounds of caste, MNS chief Raj  accused the state government of playing with the sentiments of the people while not implementing its quota promises.  “Please understand, the government does not value your lives. The government, whether the one in power now or earlier, only wants your votes,” said Raj in a statement, adding the state government had failed to take implement its promises and “kept playing with the sentiments of the people.”
He added that these caste clashes would work in favor of “outsiders” who were the “real enemies” of Maharashtrians and looked at Maharashtra for the purpose of exploitation and said in case the Devendra Fadnavis-led state government was unable to govern, it should step down.
In this gathering, he addressed different issues like the death of Kakasaheb Shinde while protesting for Maratha Reservation, government jobs, Non-Maharashtrians getting job over Maharashtrian, why Marathi Members of parliament are silent? Why will Ram Mandir be built after 2019 elections? He also talked about the Historical Hug between Rahul and Modi.
Thackeray also took a dig at Jain community’s demand of closing of slaughterhouses during the holy Paryushan. “Everyone should follow their religion at their homes and not in public. One religion should not tell the other what it should do and what not. The Jains should not issue ‘Fatwas’ of closing down of slaughterhouses during Paryushan. Likewise, the Muslims also should not use loudspeakers for the Azan nor should they use public roads to offer Namaz,” RaJ ADDED

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