VRLC helping the poor, donated Sanitary Hygiene products to Sindhu Tai Sapkal Orphanage

Pune: npnews24 Online – VRLC is a NGO working for the social cause of the poor people. They are not only helping people with their needs but giving awareness about the hygiene. It was a proud moment for VRLC group for donating sanitary hygiene products at Sindhutai Sapkal orphanage in Manjari. The VRLC group visited Sindhu Tai Sapkal Orphanage in Manjari and donated sanitary hygiene products for their secure health. his group works for social causes and awareness for the betterment of Pune city Under the guidance of Purnima Lunawat.
Mrs.India Universe 2019 Swati Saraf also accompanied them and is a part of VRLC group. Swati likes to support and help such social organizations, she also motivates people to join such social welfare organizations. She’s a motivation to all from young girls to the ladies out there. Mrs. Swati Saraf is the Director of F-3 Sports Academy of Pune and active as Sports Psychologist, Image Consultant & a Fashion Choreographer. Swati has also received award from Rajasthan Cricket Association for outstanding performance in sports. F3 Sports Academy Owned by Swati Saraf Mrs.India universe classic 2019 is also associated with PDCA.
“Mother of Orphans”, Sindhu Tai Sapkal is an Indian social worker and social activist known particularly for her work in raising orphaned children in India. She was conferred a Doctorate in Literature by the DY Patil Institute of Technology and Research in 2016. She runs a orphanage and takes care of the orphaned children by providing them what they need.