Pune | PCB, KCB stop taking vehicle entry fee on Defence Ministry orders

Pune : NpNews24 Online – The Union Ministry of Defence finally banned the vehicle entry fee being recovered by cantonment boards. The Pune Cantonment Board (PCB) and the Khadki Cantonment Board (KCB) have immediately stopped taking the vehicle tax. (Pune)


On Sunday, vehicles were seen stopping at the tax booths; however, no attendants were seen.


An order to this effect was issued by Director General Defence Estates (DGDE) Asst. DG (Cantts) Daman Singh on January 7 to all cantonment boards across the country. They were told not to take vehicle entry fee.


The order stated: “It is requested to issue necessary instructions to Cantonment Boards to discontinue the collection of Vehicle Entry Fee forthwith and compliance report be sent to the Ministry on immediate basis.


It is observed that collection of Vehicle Entry Fee by Cantonment Boards by installing barricades/nakas/collection kiosks does not conform to the Government’s initiative towards smooth movement of goods and traffic, and impedes the efforts towards the ease of living and ease of doing business.


It has, therefore, been decided that collection of Vehicle Entry Fee by Cantonment Boards be stopped forthwith. The mechanism for seeking proportionate share from the State government agency /municipality out of any such similar fees being imposed by them on entry of vehicles centrally may be considered suitably.”


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