Eight new members of PMC’s Standing Committee selected

Pune : NpNews24 OnlinePune Municipal Corporation (PMC) | The selection of eight new members in place of eight retiring members of PMC’s Standing Committee was done on Monday. The NCP has given one more opportunity to former presidents Vishal Tambe and Ashwini Kadam. The BJP, Shiv Sena and Congress have given their members another opportunity.


All the attention is focused on the selection of the president and presentation of the budget. It is clear that the presentation of the budget will be marred by politics.


The tenure of eight members of the Standing Committee is ending on February 28. The selection of new members took place in a special meeting. Each party had submitted names based on their strength. The BJP gave opportunity to corporator Mansi Deshpande, corporator Sunita Galande, corporator Varsha Tapkir and corporator Ujjwala Jangale. Shiv Sena and Congress gave another opportunity to corporator Bala Oswal and corporator Lata Rajguru.


The NCP instead of giving opportunity to current members corporator Nanda Lonkar and corporator Amruta Baber, has given opportunity to corporator Vishal Tambe and corporator Ashwini Kadam.


The tenure of the current members of the civic body is ending on March 14. The election of the PMC has been delayed. There has been a delay by Municipal Commissioner Vikram Kumar in the submission of the 2022-23 budget to the General Body. Kumar is going to submit the budget on March 7. Later, the budget of the Standing Committee will be presented in the GB.


Since the tenure of the house is ending on March 14, the speculation is rife whether Hemant Rasne will get the opportunity to present the budget for the fourth time. The BJP may make efforts to prepare the budget and get it approved by the GB before March 14.


The selection of eight members of the Standing Committee has been done newly and the selection of the president of the Standing Committee will have to be done again. The election schedule will be released by the divisional commissioner’s office. If the divisional commissioner announces the schedule before the deadline, then Hemant Rasne may get another opportunity to become the president.


A meeting of the present panel is likely to be held before February 28. Later, another meeting may be held after the budget is presented by the civic chief. This meeting is likely to be marred by politics.


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