Pune: Dharna Protest in Front of Maharashtra Pollution Control Board


Pune: To demand an end to corruption in the Maharashtra Pollution Control Board, a dharna protest was organized by Pune entrepreneurs and social workers led by Halima Sheikh, President of Swyam Prerna Vikas Sanstha, and Sachin Gajarmal, founder of the Constitution Group, in front of the board’s main office in Mumbai,today on 26th June. This step was taken to protect Pune’s industrialists from corrupt officials.

When attempting to obtain a consent letter from the Pollution Control Board, two corrupt officials—Ravindra Andhale, the Pune Divisional Officer of the Board, and Abhijit Kasbe, a field officer from the Mumbai office—extort the industries for eight to nine months without issuing the consent letter and demand large sums of money. They treat women disrespectfully. On the other hand, they ignore requests to take action against polluting projects. They fail to upload the details of consent assessment meetings and display negligence in their duties. Due to their negligence, industries in the state are suffering and moving out. A written statement has been submitted to the Board’s Secretary demanding action against these officials. The organization has also held a meeting with entrepreneurs to demand the issuance of consent letters to small and large industries as soon as possible.

During the protest, Halima Sheikh, President of Swyam Prerna Vikas Sanstha; Sachin Gajarmal, founder of the Constitution Group; President Rakesh Sonawane; Kamrunnisa Sheikh; Mudassar Sheikh; Sagar Jagtap; Tushar Pawar; Praveen Sonawane; Kamrunnisa Sheikh (President, Maharashtra Mahavikas Committee); Javidmiya Jahagirdar; Shama Sheikh; Mumtaz; and Noorjahan were present.

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