Pune Customs Seize 883.1 Kgs of Ganja Hidden in Poultry Remains

Pune: On May 30, 2024, Pune Customs, based on specific intelligence, intercepted an Eicher truck trafficking a large quantity of Ganja from Odisha to a location near Solapur. The truck was ostensibly loaded with poultry remains intended for use as manure, serving as a cover for the contraband.

Upon thorough inspection, officers discovered numerous gunny bags filled with Ganja packets concealed within the poultry remains. A total of 883.1 kgs of Ganja was seized under the provisions of the NDPS Act, 1985. The contraband, valued at approximately ₹2.20 crore in the illegal market, was confiscated.

One individual has been arrested in connection with this case, and further investigation is ongoing.

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