Now monitor tool tab social media addiction!


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In the era of online media, each one is dependent and devotes their maximum time on social media specially the teenagers. Social media sites have become a part and parcel of every one’s life. Addiction to social media has become a major problem in the youth.

The youngsters and teenagers can get a break from the Facebook and Instagram, their parents will also get a sigh of relief now. As Facebook and Instagram has come with a tool through which a person can monitor, the amount of time they spend on social media on Wednesday.

Facebook is about to bring a new feature in its application named ‘Your Time On Facebook’ while on Instagram a feature named ‘Your Activity’ is going to be implemented.

The tools are yet not visible to the users, as it is expected to be visible, a couple of weeks later. Through this tool you will be able to decide how much time you spend on FB and Instagram. A dashboard will pop up on your mobile screen which will tell you the exact amount of time you are devoting on the app.

You can also set daily reminders to alert yourself as soon as you reach the reminder and also it will help limit the extra and unwanted notifications from other apps.

This tool will also help you to stop scrolling on the daily activities of your friends. The unnecessary scrolling could be avoided easily now.

How to activate the tool on Facebook?

To access the feature, go to your settings page, tap on ‘Your time On Facebook’. A dashboard, showing your average time on that device will appear at the top. Tap any bar to see your total time for that day.

How to activate the tool on Instagram?

The same applies for Instagram as well. You can tap on ‘Your Activity’ icon on your mobile screes and you could access the feature.


According to the companies, this could be a great initiative to let the youngsters and adults to keep control on what they are scrolling and how much time they are spending on social media. Even Apple and android phones are also heading towards the same goal.

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The possible benefits of this initiative can be; firstly, you can avoid scrolling unwanted stuff, and utilize your time positively. The youngsters will be now able to monitor and keep an eye on themselves as to how much time they are devoting to social media.

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