Hunger Drives UP Man to Take 1600 km Walk Back Home, Died in Just 4 Hours After Reaching

Mumbai : The lockdown has been implemented in the country due to Coronavirus. In such a situation, many people and workers are stuck in another state or city. Many have now started fearing death. In such a situation, some people have left for their homes on walk. One such shocking incident has come out from Shravasti district of Uttar Pradesh. A young man from Mumbai reached his village in Shravasti due to fear that the coronavirus situation would worsen.

The young man walked 1600 kilometers to reach his village. After reaching the village, the young man has died in just 4 hours of after being in quarantine. After the death, there has been a stir in the entire village. People are saluting his passion but also saddened due to his death.

According to the information, the young man working in Mumbai, Maharashtra started having food problems due to the lockdown. Apart from this, the rising cases of Coronavirus in Mumbai made the situation panic. Amid this, the young man decided to travel from Mumbai to Shravasti’s village Matkhanwa on foot.

After the young man reached the village, he was kept in quarantine in the government school of village. The young man who arrived at 7 in the morning started vomiting after a while. He was taken to the hospital in ambulance when his condition deteriorated. But the young man died on the way. Young man’s sample was collected and it  is being tested whether he died of Coronavirus or there was some other reason. The report has not been revealed yet.