Government warns whatsapp users: 9 most important things to keep in mind while using whatsapp

New Delhi : npnews24 Online – The Computer Emergency Response team have told all the whatsapp users to be alert. They said, due to the new virus that has been used by the hackers to hack smartphones and computers.  Recently it was said that Stake Based Buffer Overflow can get hacked, by sending MP 4 files to users device through hackers to hack the smartphone.
CRT warnings: 
1) Due to less security,  the hackers can easily hack and use your phone without any intimation by the help of the MP 4 file.
2) What is MP 4 file?  It’s a file format where looks like a video or an audio or subtitles format.
3) These types of viruses do not need any kind of authentications from users.
4) These kind of viruses help the hackers to use the whatsapp secretly.
5) Hackers can enter your phone and steal your files from the whatsapp security through Malware.
6) Hackers do not need to have your device near them, they can use it through the remote.
7) The hackers can use it in any geographical location.
8) Whatsapp users should update their versions of whatsapp.
9) CRT has told the users to update their whatsapps as early as possible as they have released the new security package to help your device from hacking.

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