Gold worth Rs 31 lakhs seized from man’s wig

NPnews24 Online: Though Customs department officials keep vigil to thwart attempts to smuggle gold and other materials, the smugglers come out with different ways to sneak in.

On May 6, a man who arrived at Pune International airport by Air India flight no. IX-212
from Dubai, was found to be carrying 957.10 grams gold valued at Rs 31,13,446 in his wig. The gold in paste form was kept in a polythene bags inside the wig. The passenger identified as Shehzad Baba Miyan Momin has been remanded to magistrate custody remand (MCR) and lodged in the Yerwada Central Jail.

In a press release, the department stated, “The gold recovered from the passenger was seized under the reasonable belief that the same was attempted to be smuggled in India and hence liable for confiscation under provisions of the Customs Act, 1962. In his statement recorded under section 108 of the Customs Act, 1962, the passenger admitted conscious possession, carriage, concealment and recovery of the said gold under seizure. Further investigation is under progress.”

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