Dhanorkar Succeed to Dragged Chandrapur, defeat Ex-Minister

Npnews online: Chandrapur a battle iconic constituency emerged victories in 2014 Lok Sabha election and this time Congress got succeed to dragged seat from BJP Hansraj Ahir.

Ahir won four times from chandrapur, but all eyes on chandrapur where tough fight in between congress and BJP candidate and defeated to BJP Ahir.

Congress allotted ticket to former Shiv sena MLA from Warora-Bhadrawati assembly Suresh Dhanorkar, who left party and joined congress. Triangular fight in between Congress, BJP and Vanchit Bhaujan Agadhi. Give final outcome to congress party.

Chandrapur has total electorate of 19,80555, where constituency recorded 64.66 per cent voting, as compared to last lok sabha election, constituency recorded 1.41 percent increase into voting.

Ahir got 3, 64,167 While Dhanorkar got 4, 02,765. Defeated to BJP Ex-Minister.

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